Plastic Plesiosaur Podcast
A Podcast about the natural world, things that people claim are part of the natural world, and things that used to be. With Trey the Explainer, and Miles Greb.
Plastic Plesiosaur Podcast
People Keep Saying There is a Dinosaur in the Congo.
Miles Greb
Season 4
Episode 6
Audio Player
00:00:00 | 01:49:54
Early 20th century German Exploders and Modern Day Creationists keep saying there is a Sauropod dinosaur in the Congo! Going by the name of Mokele-mbembe some say this creature lives in the remote regions of Southern Africa. It is true these regions are not that well explored, is is true that people are seeing a longed neck dinosaur? And what is it's link to creationists?
All that and more from Miles and Trey, on this Plastic Pleasiour Podcast!
Monster Quest this epoisde is - S3E18 -The Last Dinosaur "MonsterQuest goes to the jungles of Central Africa in search of Mokele-mbembe which is believed by some to be a living relic of the dinosaurs."